Mouth Care – Benefits of Coconut Oil

Raw Coconut oil has all sorts benefits. The first one I heard bout was that it is beneficial for Alzheimer’s.

More interesting for all of us are its benefits for mouth care because of its antibiotic properties and also because it reduces the buildup of tartar.

Last year a tooth caused problems just before Christmas and my dentist had just left for a longer trip to Central America.
The Universe/God was on my side and my neighbour gave me as a Christmas present a jar of organic Coconut oil with an information paper about all its benefits.

With the help of the Coconut oil I kept the tooth problem (inflammation) under control until my dentist was back, 2 months later. I did NOT take one single painkiller.
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Try it, you will be surprised

Anna Christine
PS.: it is also activating our large intestines

How to Avoid Pneumonia, Colds, and Flu

The nutritionist Dr. Bernard Jensen wrote on page 3 of ‘Tissue Cleansing through Bowel Management’  “… that poor bowel management lies at the root of most people’s health problems.”

In his opinion death starts in the colon. Many people do not even know where the colon is positioned.

Some also believe ‘regular’ is any regular occurring  elimination – and believe regular is every 3 days or some think even every 7 days.

3 times per day, at least once per day we have to have a bowel movement.  When this is not happening the lungs and the skin get stressed. We become easily sick and/or experience all kinds of skin conditions like for example  excema, psoriasis, pimples, and rosacea .

Beside drinking enough water and exercise, like walking every day at least 30 min we have to eat differently.  We need a fiber rich diet. Therefore I am not so sure whether juicing is the right way to go. … only when we use the fiber for patties or stew.

Not everybody likes colonics, or has the money for them …  but we all can do a colon cleanse and  stop eating processed dead food –  instead a lot of  raw food, legumes, brown rice, all kinds of nuts, ancient grains, seeds, pumkin seeds, sunflower seeds, dried dates, plums, figs, apricots, rtaisins, and goji berries. Olive oil is excellent for saladdressing.

  • Coconut oil  activates the colon. 
  • Sauerkraut is excellent.
  • Put ground up flaxseed in your joghurt.
  • Chia seeds are excellent too

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Louis Pasteur said at the end of his life “it is NOT the germ that makes us sick it is the terrain” and with terrain he meant our body and its immunesystem.

We become sick when we are often constipated (meaning less than 2-3 bowel movements per day) and not that we become constipated because we are sick.

In December I had two blog posts about how to get help when grieving. I can’t remember whether I mentioned EFT … some like that.

Regarding having an acidic body put into google ‘pH of our food’.  You will be surprised.

A neutral pH is 7 – 7.2 … It is good to know that we also help with the way we breathe to release stress and reduce the pH of our body fluids. Belly breathing is the key.

 Hope this helps
Anna Christine

Reason for Flu and Pneumonia

Many probab;ly do not know the underlying reason when we easily get pneumonia and the flu or colds that affect the lungs.

Reason number 1:
The body has several ways to eliminate toxins and the lungs are one of them. They are:

  • Colon
  • Kidneys
  • Skin
  • Lungs/Breath

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When we do not have EVERY day at least one bowel movement – normal is one after every meal – then the skin or the lungs might get stressed and we have easier lung problems like  cough,  flu that affects the lungs or pneumonia.

Reason number 2:
In Chinese Medicin every meridian is connected with an emotion and  part of our body.
The emotion for the lings is GRIEF. Therefore anybody who is experiencing grief is in greater danger to catch a cough., flu or pneumonia.

Reason number 3:  Acidity of the body fluids. Only the stomach fluid has to be acidic.

Anna Christine
PS.: What we can do as a prevention will be in the next post.

Vibrational Transformation with Reconnective Healing®

Reconnective Healing® raises our vibratory level and this vibrational transformation raises our consciousness.
Being at peace, calmness, and “it is as if all stress has lifted” are the most common first experiences of my clients.

Since several years I have the inner knowing that the time will come that there are not enough Reconnective Healing® practitioners. This time is getting closer.
Perhaps this is the reason Dr. Eric Pearl is teaching it worldwide for 42 weeks of the year.

During this time of great changes, also called The SHIFT, it is very important to be loving, and calm

Unfortunately more and more are suffering from anxiety, worry, fear and stress … not knowing how easily they can be helped with Reconnective Healing®.

The same results happen with distant Reconnective Healing® sessions. It doesn’t matter whether the client is 100 km, 3000 km or 6000 km away.

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All states of consciousness have a corresponding frequency. Being at the higher levels of consciousness like joy and love lets the lower levels of consciousness with their low vibrations like fear, anxiety, depression, grief, worry, sadness, anger, and others fall away.

2014 is a critical year in our evolution. When we reach a level of high consciousness life will be in future much easier.
There are of course other ways to reach a higher consciousness. Being still, being in nature, meditation, being in high energy areas, various healing modalities, and various people who help us with this transformation.

An inner knowing guided me to Reconnective Healing® which requires only three sessions and The Reconnection® which has only to be done once during our life time.

Anna Christine

Reconnective Healing® to Overcome Grief

Reconnective Healing® is even better to help everybody who is experiencing intense grief.

Reconnective Healing® is more than energy healing – it contains all the frequencies used  for example in Reiki, Quantum Touch,  Qigong,  JinShin, and other energy healing modalities … additional the Reconnective Healing practitioner is a Kathalyst for the frequencies of Light and Information.These are going beyond the 4th dimension according to Quantum Physicists.

AND … another benefit is that Jin Shin Do Acupressure can only be done with the client present in my home office.
Reconnective Healing® sessions can be given as distant Reconnective Healing® sessions, they are a special type of distant energy healing sessions.
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The soul or the body of the distant client decides what needs healing the most to overcome the grieving… it could be a  specific Meridian, a Chakra, the mind, or the soul .

Anna Christine