Why do we get fungus at the toe nails?

We get fungus at toe nails when the energy flow in the  meridian that is ending in the toenail is impeded. This can be caused by accidents, or when we experience the emotion that is related to the meridian that is ending in the infected toe – for example anger, worry, fear.

It is a warning sign of the body that something is wrong – that the Chi-flow is impeded and that it needs re-balancing.

The spores will not cause fungus when the energy in all meridians is flowing freely.  Pasteur was saying at the end of his life “it is not the germ, it is the terrain” and with terrain he meant the body – mostly the immune system of the body.

When we have fungus at all toes, then the whole body is in stress and needs help. In my opinion Reconnective Healing is then the best option – because the Universe/God/the body decides what the root cause is and  needs healing.

When the fungus is only at one or two toe nails then it is best to get Acupuncture or Acupressure sessions.

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Anna Christine 



Pain on top of the foot – Is there help?

Recently I had several clients that experience pain on top of the foot – sometimes it is so severe that walkin is painful.

We have on top of the foot a very important acu-point on the Stomach Meridian. This specific meridian is related to worry. Because of all the difficult situations in the world more and more people worry about all kinds of things.
Sometimes this impedement of the Stomach Meridian is caused because something heavy has fallen on top of the foot, or somebody stepped on it when dancing.

Whatever the reason is we have to go to somebody that practices Acupuncture or Acupressure or anybody who can balance Meridians. Reconnedctive Healing is lso balancing the Meridians. Other health issues can develop out of this, like sinus problems, varicous veins in he area of this Meridian or stomach problems.
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Our body always gives us signs that somethin is out of balance – and it is very sad that most do not know anything about them.

Anna Christine

Improved Immune System with Reflexology

Stress Reduction
One of my clients  came at the beginning on a weekly basis; after 10 sessions she came less frequent … first every two weeks, then every month. Sometimes it is every 2  months when she is travelling.

She noticed  her friends often get sick and she doesn’t and she is sure that is because of the monthly Reflexology sessions. I believe she is right because some of the benefits of Reflexology are:

Improved Circulation of Blood, Chi  and Lymph
Better Sleep
Improved Immune System
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Anna Christine
PS: The ringing in her ears also disappeared.


Anger Management with Reconnective Healing®

Reading  in a Naniomo newspaper the headline ‘Calming workshop helps control anger’ I realized that I have to write this blog-post.

Controlling anger is in my opinion suppressing anger and that might be dangerous – sooner or later the person will not be able anymore to control it and desaster might happen.

It is much better to reach a state of being where one is at peace with the world, others and oneself. Then one is able to respond to triggers instead of reacting.

Anger is often caused by a deep fear and Reconnective Healing® balances us on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level – and more.

Reconnective Healing® is in my opinion and according to my experiences the best healing modality to achieve this.  It is amazing when after only one session an agressive  man experiences a peaceful state of being. In general only 3 sessions are needed.
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JinShinDo® Acupressure is also a very beneficial modality to balance meridians that might be responsible for anger outbursts.

Anna Christine          >all modalities I practice  >only about Reconnective Healing® and The Reconnection®

 PS.: Also effective with distant Reconnective Healing sessions

Constipation – Is There Help?

Reflexology can help constipated adults, also babies and children. Here is the amazing testimonial from one of my clients who is 95 years old. Unfortunately she lives in Victoria, 1 1/2 hours away from me.  I see her seldom. Last time during the Reflexology session I focussed on the large intestine reflex area. Here is what she experienced:

“My bowels emptied itself frequently and thoroughly for two days. The day you gave me the session from 10.30 – 11.30 am I had 5 bowel movements. The quantity was moderate each time. Instead of hard it was moist. The next day I had to go  to the bathroom nearly every two hours.”

I had driven to Victoria because she worried about her  Kidneys which are affected by the toxins in our body. Regular bowel movements are helping our kidneys.

Constipation is very dangerous … Dr. Bernard Jensen once said that death starts in the colon. Constipation causes the putrefacation  of the stool which stays in the colon, toxins are forming. Over time these toxins get into the body and cause all kinds of problems which people don’t relate to their constipation issues.

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I truly recommend to get , when constipated, about eight Reflexology sessions to help the body to normalize again

Anna Christine