Poor Balance – Anxiety – Bursitis – Reflexology – Reconnective Healing®

My new 85 year old client welcomed me at her home walking with a walker.  She did not like that she needed it in her home and wanted a Reflexology session.

I worked on her feet and ears, also released the energy blockages in her head with my ‘spiritual gift’  Brain Rejuvenation and because I believe so much in Reconnective Healing® added  10 minutes of it at the end.

When I came the next time she was walking without a walker – slow and cautiously. The anxiety was gone and the Bursitis in her knee got a bit better.

On one side she was happy about this and on the other she was upset ” I went to practitioner X, I went to another one,  I went to clinic Z, I went even to Parksville to somebody … I spent so much money and nothing helped and you came once and  my anxiety is gone and I can walk at home without the walker and the knee is better too.”

In her fury she was very cute and I had to laugh.
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Therefore my advice, when you have a health problem never give up. Eventually you’ll find the practitioner that is the right one for you.

Anna Christine

PS.: when I only would know what brought the changes … was it Reflexology or Reconnective Healing®?

Dr. Klinghardt and Dr. Mercola about Lyme Disease

Anybody who has Lyme disease or is suspicious to have it has first to eliminate MOLD in the house, and ElectroMagneticFrequencies in their home … after that Dr. Klinghardy addresses major psychological trauma first – and then Dr. Klinghardt starts with his treatment

More about this on this excellent website – his goal is to treat Lyme Disease in a natural  way
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Anna Christine

Enlarged Prostate – Benefits or Reflexology

Reflexology is one of the many holistic healing arts. Every part of the body is benefiting from it.   I am often amazed how few people know about the many benefits of Reflexology. During a recent conversation with one of my clients  in my Nanaimo home-office I mentioned by incident how beneficial Reflexology is for Prostate problems.

Eunice D. Ingham, ‘Stories the Feet Have Told thru Reflexology’,  page 40 ...”I recall one extreme case brought to my office not long ago. Mr. T was beng called upon to urinate every hour, day and night. This was accompanied by such extreme pain he felt the only relief for him was an operation. Before his first treatment was completed he went into the bathroom and returned with tear in his eyes, saying: “you have really done something for me. It doesn’t seem possible, but for the first time in three months I have urinated without pain and was able to eliminate a normal amount instead of only a few drops.” 

I continued to apply this reflex method faithfully, not more than twice a week , and when he returde to his physician for examinationhe was amazed to be told that his enlarged glandhad definetely decreased in size, and without an operation. He continued to improve as the tenderness worked out until he could go to bed and sleep all night

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After reading this book I decided 1995 to become a Reflexologist.

Anna Christine 

Possible causes of Vascular Dementia

Having the gift to detect with my fingertips energy blockages in the brain and other parts of the body … for example after an infection that happened during heart surgery … I wonder whether that could prevent in some cases Vascular Dementia.   because knowing about the blockage of the energy flow one can do something, like going to an Acupncturist or when afraid of needles to an Acupressurist.

One of my clients gave this session the name BRAIN REJUVENATION  because of the way he felt after. All stress had lifted!

An alternative healer using a VEGA-machine believed that energy blockages in the brain might cause later in life a stroke. Therefore she send clients to me to Nanaimo, Vancouver Island,  to relieve this blockage. The first man came to me during a health fair. Something heavy had fallen on the left side of his head when he was 12. He had a second session in my office and was surprised how different his head felt after.

I believe that stress and injuries may be the cause of these blockages. More about this in   workshops I’ll give at my home-office

According to the medical field the causes for Vascular Dementia are ” a narrowing or a complete blockage of blood vessels in the brain, which deprives brain cells from nutrients and oxygen they  need to function properly. Vascular dementia often results from several small strokes that occur over time.”
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IN my opinion the root-cause started much earlier than a stroke  – it  started when the stress, the injury, and/or the wrong nutrition happened.

Anna Christine

PS: These energy blockages are in my opinion also the cause of MS/Multiple Sclerosis.

Diabetes, Edema, Kidney Stones, Hair Gowth – Benefits of Horsetail

The benefits of horsetail are amazing – together with a picture of the plant you will find them on this website

There is much more than this excerpt:

….Horsetail is known for its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antimicrobial, antioxidant, coagulant, demulcent, diuretic and astringent activity. Reportedly, it has been used in the treatment of a number of health conditions which include brittle bone, hair, teeth and nails, white spots on nails, gingivitis, tonsillitis, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, rheumatic disorders, edema, osteoarthritis, diabetes, acne, wounds, itchiness, rashes, burns, frostbite, chilblains, athlete’s foot, cracked and tired feet, drawing out pus from boils and carbuncles, ulcers, fistulas, herpes simplex, dyspepsia (impaired digestion), gastrointestinal conditions, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory tract infections, bronchitis, fever, malaria, bladder problems, urinary tract infection, bed wetting in children, kidney stones (nephrolithiasis), prostate problems, hemorrhoids, muscle cramps, tumors, broken bones, fractures, sprains, nose bleed and other heavy bleeding. Horsetail is also known to strengthen the body’s immune system.”

I am surprised, all I knew was that geese love this plant and that it is good for the kidneys.  We had horsetail on our property and we had geese and they loved the horsetail and were eating all the plants. I assumed it is good for the formation of their feathers.
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Humans have no feathers but we have hair, bones, and fingernails  I am drinking every morning a  cup of horsetail tea.

Anna Christine