Bipolar Disorder – Is there help?

I found the infomration about this discovery in the healthfood store Island Natural in Nanaimo, BC.

It began with Anthony Stephan whose wife committedd suicide after struggling 10 years with Bipolar Disorder. Two of their ten children had also Bipolar Disorder.

Desperately their father was praying and  meditating to find an answer to help his children. After a few months he found information that vitamins and minerals had been used in for similar disorders.

Anthony Stephan  put this information to the test … the result … from the flyer about TRUEHOPE®

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Anna Christine


Brain Rejuvenation

“Call it BRAIN REJUVENATION” said my client  when I asked him how to call this special ‘Gift’ I have to detect and release energy-blockages in the head and anywhere in the body.

This Spiritual ‘Gift’ of me seems to be  hands on Reconnective Healing®. I wanted to know whether this is right.

Therefore I tested it at several clients. When my fingertips started to move quickly on their scalp I stopped and gave a hands off Reconnective Healing® session. After I had finished I tested the clients scalp again with my fingertips. The result was that my fingertips did not move anymore. The Chi-flow got obviously re-balanced.-

Reconnective Healing® restores balance on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. This is recognized and supported by science. It upgrades our brain. Better memory, brain fog gone.

Four years after a car accident I had a MRI. The technician was very surprised about the balanced state of my brain and asked me twice “how old are you?” … He  said most brains look very scratchy.
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Anna Christine

PS.: A huge benefit of Reconnective Healing is that it can be done as distant healing

Acupressure/Acupuncture – What is a Meridian?

Meridians are energy channels through which the Chi flows within the body.  They exist in corresponding pairs on each side of the body. There is also a central channel at the midline of the body. On these meridians are the acupuncture points used in Acupuncture and Acupressure.

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When the energy flow in the meridian is impeded these points hurt when pressure is applied.  When the Chi-flow is impeded for a long time then health problems will occur.
On the website one gets an impression about the length of for example the gallbladder meridian.
This Meridian is affected by stress. What concerns me also is that any injury to the legs might impede the Chi-flow in this meridian which could affect the head..
Since the Gallbladder meridian goes along the neck it is also affected by car accidents that resulted in a whiplash and/or a concussion.
My advice to everybody who had an accident is to get Acupuncture or Acupressure sessions or other alternative health modalities… to re-balance the Chi flow to avoid later health problems …  like for example a stroke.. .Reconnective Healing® id also balancing Meridians.
On the page is a testimonial from a person with MS about hands-on Reconnective Healing. This person had many years ago a motorcycle accident that had damaged the knee and resulted later in MS.
We have to take accidents seriously … even when everything seems to be ok after a while.
Anna Christine

What is the Cause of Anxiety?

More and more  experience anxiety and I ask myself what has changed since 1950 when  anxiety was not that frequent?

The production and the quality of our nutrition has changed. Grains, fruits and vegetables are not coming anymore from family farms. They are produced in mass production. The soil is depleted and contains less nutrients.

”You are what you eat”. Could it be that this lack of nutrients causes the body to send the signal ”I need more” – But we tend to eat the same things and the body is still not getting the missing nutrient.

The 100-Mile diet might be risky. On Vancouver Island we have for example no Selenium. We learned that when we had sheep. All animals have salt-lick stones – and these stones are not white (like tables salt) but light-brown.  Look at google ‘symptoms of selenium deficiency’.

As soon as you face this disorder immediately consult your respective doctor to solve this problem. sildenafil tabs It viagra effects women occurs due to less blood supply into the penile region. click for source generic viagra from india So if you watch a lot of complications in his love life. There was a study done in Germany where order cheap viagra a test group was told to simply say, “everyday in every way, I am getting better and better.” After weeks into the study, those people who repeated that phrase numerous times daily showed improvement in their physical health and so it is crucial to treat them as soon as you recognize the problem. To get a variety of nutrients I started to eat food that comes from various countries.

‘It is interesting that nutrition has an effect on our emotions. Dr. Hawkins writes on page 212: ‘’20 years ago the book, ‘Orthomolecular Psychiatry’ stated that nutrition affects the chemical environment on the brain and bloodstream, influencing various behaviours, emotions, and mental disorders’’. The full article you will find here: 

Anna Christine  with a BLOG

Effects of Electro-Magnetic-Frequencies(EMF)

Electro-Magnetic-Frequencies are stressing our body continuously. By this they are reducing the core-essence (a form of energy) we are born with.  This causes over time a variety of symptoms we are not relating to the wireless appliances and Smart Meters.

In the  article ‘The Pulse, the Electronic Age and Radiation: Early Detection‘ by Leon Hammer, MD and Ross Rosen LAc, was written that people who had been on chemo or suffered a severe blood loss had a specific pulse quality. A Doctor of Chinese Medicine is able to feel the pulse of all the 12 organ meridians. Since several years he is finding this pulse quality, called ‘leathery’,  in more and more patients, also younger ones. He is very concerned how many will be affected by this in the future.

My only advice is to get rid of all wireless technology in your bedroom – eat as much raw food as possible – take enzymes – walk in nature – walk barefoot in your garden – lay down on the grass without a foamy which would insulate the life energy of the planet – lean against a tree and avoid stress.
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Anna Christine 

PS.: Reconnective Healing brings us into a state of peace