Finger Numbness

Most of the time finger numbness is caused by energy blockages in the neck … caused by whiplash or other accidents.  One has to take finger numbness seriously … the meridians/energy channelss that go through the neck are also  going across the head, An impeded Chi-flow in these energy-lines/Meridians might affect the brain. Over time the blockages in the energy/Chi/photon flow may cause for example  MS, Parkinson’s or Dementia.

Flying from Amsterdam to Calgary  I had a guy from Tansania sitting beside me. We talked about my work and he asked if I could help his finger. The fingertip  had been cut off:  luckily connected through the skin  it could be re-attached. The surgery was successful but the fingertip  was now numb.

I applied hands-on Reconnective Healing®   to his fingertips and after about ten minutes the numdness was gone and the feelig was back.

After an accident that affects the neck  most go to a Chiropractic Doctor. In  my opinion one should also go to an Acupuncturist or , when you are afraid of needles, go to a practitioner of Acupressure, Cranio Sacral, Reflexology or Reconnective Healing.®. At least I went to these practitioners after my accident. Finger numbness has to be taken seriously.
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Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
Reconnection Certified Practitioner™
Reconnective Healing Foundaional Practitioner™


How to Calm a Crying Baby?

Often it is very difficult to calm a crying baby.  My daughter who cares for a little foster child was desperate because the  baby was sick and cried nonstop.  She tried everything but was unable to calm the baby down.

During my Christmas  vacation I had no time to give the baby Reconnective Healing sessions. He was often very restless and cried a lot. Only carrying him around calmed him down.

Yesterday  evening I gave him two Reconnective Healing sessions because he was crying. The first one was short. He stopped crying after  less than five minutes. My daughter was surprised. Because he was sick he cried in the evening again I gave him a second Reconnective Healing session.. After a short time he stopped again to cry, but I continued.  His life  history is pretty dramatic. His mother is unable to care for him.  I continued with the energy healing for forty minutes  and my daughter was surprised about all the happy sounds he made during the session. He was  fairly calm during the night and woke only a few times up so that my daughter could sleep more.. Today, during the day he was most of the time happy, played  with his toys  and was from time to time squeaking with joy.

Imagine when mothers would  participate in Reconnective Healing seminars and could help their children.
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Anna Christine Doehring, THFP, RCP
Reconnection Certified  Practitioner™

PS.: and the besst if all … distant Reconnective Healing is also effective

What Supplements shall I Take?

Years ago  a doctor was asked  in a conference call the question ‘‘ what supplements shall one take?”  He answered  that it is best to eat whole foods instead of single supplements ….  because all minerals and vitamins work synergistically together. When we take a single vitamin or mineral the body needs then the other ingredients the plant contains. Alll ingedients of a plant are important. Most do not know that only a fraction of the  chemical components of fruits and vegetables got a name. I believe we need all the ingredients of a plant … not only the vitamins and minerals known.

It is so easy with google to find out which plants contain the vitamins or minerals we need. Here are some examples:

  • When you want to take calcium then look which plants contain a lot of calcium.  Apes and elephants have pretty strong bones and they eat only plants
  • Instead of taking the Vitamin B complex one can research which plants contain the different B vitamins. I have done this.
  • For fishoil it is best to eat fish
  • To get probiotics it is good to eat ferrmented vegetablesm like sauerkraut.
  • Especially vitamin C has to be taken by eating fruits and vegetables. Linus Pauling said at the end of his life that vitamin C is a complex of around twelve components which have to be taken together. When one takes Ascorbic Acid  alone the other components are taken from the body and may create an imbalance in the body.
  • Only the vitamin D I take as a supplement together with the vitamin K2, to be better absorbed.

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Therefore  one needs information before one starts taking supplements. and … raw foods contains the enzymes we need to digest the food we eat.

Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
Reconnection Certified Practitioner™

PS.: I decided to eat some of the products from 
like RP3, electric C,  e-fusion, and Super Digestive Enzymes.

Warning Signs of Prostate Problems

The Prostata gives early warning signs that something is wrong, that the Chi does not flow properly in the area of the prostate. I am writing this post because somebody in my circle of friends had  recently a prostate surgery. Luckily he is doing fine  at the moment and is not incontinent – what sometimes happens after this surgery. I had to think of the testimonial of one of my clients
“I had to get up three times a night to go to the bathroom. After  severral  Reflexology sessions  I have an all night sleep.”, ~ Jack D., Cedar
Jack had come to get relief for his knee and hip pain. One day  he asked me if Reflexology also helps with prostate problems. He  asked this because he wass surprised to have slept the first time the whole night.

Some warning sings of the prostata are:
–  Getting up frequently at night to urinate.                                                                            —   –  –  Frequent urination during the night                                                                                                 –A weak or slow urinary stream.
–  It seems as if the bladder is not empty.                                                                                —-
–  The urinary stream sometimes starts and stops..

When these warning signs of the prostate occur you have plenty of time before you develop cancer: Il  is your choice what you will chose to regain prostate health.

  • to have more sex (according to  the German Prof. Julius Hackethal, Chirurg).
  • to get Reflexology sessions or
  • Reconnective Healing Sessions 

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Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, CRP
Certified Reconnection Practitioner™

Help for Panic Attacks

There is something better and more effective  to stop panic attacks than the standard recommendations,
Deep belly breathing. …when the shoulders go up  the breathing stresses you – few people seem to know this
Focus on something that you like
Remember and picture a place you were happy
Use muscle relaxation techniques. … and others.

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I was  and am happy that this new and effective form of healing  can be done as distant healing. One could call it intelligent quantum healing because  the intelligence of your body and the universal consciousness are working together with each other and I, as the practitioner,  am the catalyst to bring the frequencies in and  the mediator in their communication. Even the DNA gets restructured/reconnected. and the brain gets upgraded a bit more with every session .

Anna Christiine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
Reconnection Certified Practitioner™