Most of the time finger numbness is caused by energy blockages in the neck … caused by whiplash or other accidents. One has to take finger numbness seriously … the meridians/energy channelss that go through the neck are also going across the head, An impeded Chi-flow in these energy-lines/Meridians might affect the brain. Over time the blockages in the energy/Chi/photon flow may cause for example MS, Parkinson’s or Dementia.
Flying from Amsterdam to Calgary I had a guy from Tansania sitting beside me. We talked about my work and he asked if I could help his finger. The fingertip had been cut off: luckily connected through the skin it could be re-attached. The surgery was successful but the fingertip was now numb.
I applied hands-on Reconnective Healing® to his fingertips and after about ten minutes the numdness was gone and the feelig was back.
After an accident that affects the neck most go to a Chiropractic Doctor. In my opinion one should also go to an Acupuncturist or , when you are afraid of needles, go to a practitioner of Acupressure, Cranio Sacral, Reflexology or Reconnective Healing.®. At least I went to these practitioners after my accident. Finger numbness has to be taken seriously.
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Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
Reconnection Certified Practitioner™
Reconnective Healing Foundaional Practitioner™