Anxiety – Our Thoughts

Your thoughts have an effect on your emotions – also on your level of anxiety. You can only think one thought at a time. Therefor see that this thought is positive and loving.

When you have negative, sad, anxious, fearful and angry thoughts your outlook becomes dimmed. You might experience anxiety, become depressed and  over time even physically ill.

When you experience anxiety think immediately of something beautiful,  joyful or funny. Remember, you can only think one thought at a time.

A boy friend/girl friend  at the door, a job promotion, or other marvellous news will change your thoughts immidiately. This is probably the reason so many are now watching cat  videos on the internet.

Aren`t your thoughts your own? Inner peace, joy, anxiety, sadness  are your choice.  These thoughts have also an effect on your immune system.

Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
PS.:  Clients said after a Reconnective Healing Session. I am  so much at peace“.