Reading in a Naniomo newspaper the headline ‘Calming workshop helps control anger’ I realized that I have to write this blog-post.
Controlling anger is in my opinion suppressing anger and that might be dangerous – sooner or later the person will not be able anymore to control it and desaster might happen.
It is much better to reach a state of being where one is at peace with the world, others and oneself. Then one is able to respond to triggers instead of reacting.
Anger is often caused by a deep fear and Reconnective Healing® balances us on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level – and more.
Reconnective Healing® is in my opinion and according to my experiences the best healing modality to achieve this. It is amazing when after only one session an agressive man experiences a peaceful state of being. In general only 3 sessions are needed.
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JinShinDo® Acupressure is also a very beneficial modality to balance meridians that might be responsible for anger outbursts.
Anna Christine >all modalities I practice >only about Reconnective Healing® and The Reconnection®
PS.: Also effective with distant Reconnective Healing sessions