Many parents are desperate and do not know what to do when their child has ADD or ADHD, I always thought Reconnective Healing® is the best solution … beside playing outside, sleeping enough and eating well
Today I read this about a child with ADHD. The parents did not know what to do and consulted a nutritional expert. Here is the testimonial:
- We have conversations instead of screaming matches
We have an eight-year-old son, who had been diagnosed with ADHD and could not sit still! He struggled with school work, reading, and sitting for long car rides, which left the people in his life frustrated with him and the situation. Finally, we had a consult with Kameron at Avena Originals; he suggested focusing on his diet, and so we removed food dyes, processed sugar, and wheat. Kameron also suggested some key tools from Avena, one of them was E-Fusion and was a game changer for us! - We saw incredible improvements in a short time; he was able to sit and do an hours worth of work, enjoy long car rides, have full conversations together, and finally no more screaming matches.
- I am so thankful for Avena and their dedication to helping families like ours!
Cindi L – Mother of Zairn
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HERE you will find more information about E-Fusion and when you scroll down this testimonial and others.
E-Fusion is one of their products I take since years, beside RP3, Electric C, and Super Digestive Enzymes.
Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
Reconnective Healing foundational Practitioner™
Reconnection Certified Practitioner™