
These are free testimonials from my clients.

For more Reconnective Healing® testimonials please click HERE

Fatigue – Open Aura
Remote Reconnective Healing & Brain Rejuvenation
Dear Anna Christine
Only one sentence. But how big.
Today  was the first day since weeks that I was not tired anymore.!!!!
All my love, V.M., Europe, May 19. 2024
German  Original
Liebe Anna Christine,
Nur einen Satz. Aber wie groß.
Heute war ich seit Wochen nicht mehr müde.!!!!
Danke, danke, danke
Alles Liebe  V.M, Europa, 19. Mai 2024


Brain Rejuvenation & Remote (Distant) Reconnective Healing

Two years ago I was having dizzy spells, both before and after major surgery. I heard about Anna Christine through a friend in the Wellness area. She’s lovely, spends some time talking with you and then I was on her massage  table for one hour, got up and was surprised to find I was not dizzy. The problem was gone.

Recently I had a collapsed disc and took a fall. I hit my head on the concrete floor. Several days later I noticed I was dizzy again.

I was worried. In the morning in bed as I contemplated, Anna Christine’s name crossed my mind. This was a breakthrough and I followed it. We agreed she would work with me remotely.

Aftter … I noticed I was not dizzy and so once again I was relieved from a potential bigger problem. I very much recommend Anna Christine.
T. Kayler
Nanaimo, February 2022


Concerns about an Open Aura because of Anxiety
Remote/Distant Reconnective Healing

Dear Anna Christine
I am so grateful to you. Last night I woke up and my heart was beating faster. But I was able to fall asleep again. When I woke up, my heart was calm and relaxed.
Everything feels light now and I perceive more light. It’s a great feeling. I haven’t felt this good for a long time. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU
As you wrote about openings in the aura and fears, I immediately thought that my aura was most likely not tight.
Because of my experiences, it was logical for me that it could be so.

Could you please see if my son has a closed aura?
I notice a huge difference in me.

I wish you a wonderful day
All the best
Such a blessing that you were able to help.
February 2024, Austria

 German Original

Liebe Anna Christine 
Ich bin dir so dankbar. Heute in der Nacht bin ich aufgewacht und mein Herz hat schneller geschlagen.  Aber konnte wieder gut einschlafen. Als ich aufgewacht war, war mein Herz ruhig und entspannt. 

Es fühlt sich alles jetzt leicht und ich nehme mehr Licht wahr.  Ein super Gefühl. So gut habe ich mich schon lange nicht mehr gefühlt. DANKE, DANKE, DANKE

Wie du von Rissen in der Aura und Ängsten geschrieben hast, habe ich sofort gedacht meine Aura ist mit größter Wahrscheinlichkeit nicht dicht. 

Wie  es mir klar geworden war, was ich so an Erlebnissen gehabt habe, war es für mich logisch das es so sein könnte. 
Könntest du bitte schauen ob mein Sohn eine geschlossene Aura hat?
Ich merke mega Unterschied bei mir.

Ich wünsche dir einen wunderschönen Tag 
Alles Liebe 

So ein Segen dass du da helfen konntest.
Februar 2024, Oesterreich


Constant Headaches & Sleep Problems  
Remote/Distant Reconnective Healing®

Hi Anna Christine,

First mail: I just wanted to send you a message to thank you. My husband has been headache free for 2 days and has been sleeping really well. He’s looking like he’s on the mend. Thanks so much!!!

Second mail: Thanks again, he is comfortable today, slept well and no headaches. It’s been 3 nights of good sleep in a row and he hasn’t slept this good for months.  Thanks so much!
J. E.,  Chemainus, September 2023


Extreme Fatigue – Depression 
Remote/Distant Reconnective Healing®

My dearest Anna Christine,

So grateful to you for sharing your gift. An hour after your session James was upbeat, positive and energetic. Prior for months he was lethargic, weak and depressed.

Anna Christine, again – THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. .
Esther,  Las Vegas,  June 2023


Cat with Leukemia – Remote Reconnective Healing®

My beloved grandkitty Nixie appeared to have a reaction to a shot, but the vet decided she should have one for feline leukemia. Nixie reacted severely, and my daughter feared for her life. I asked my sister to contact Anna Christine for a remote healing session, and I am happy to announce that so far, 8 months later, Nixie seems healthy, happy and even chubby!

Joy,  Nanaimo, January 2023


Dizziness  – Remote/Distant Reconnective Healing®

Two years ago I was having dizzy spells before and after major surgery. I heard about Anna Christine through a friend in the Wellness area. She is lovely, spends some time talking with you and then I was on her table for one hour, got up and was surprised to find I was not dizzy. The problem was gone. Recently I had a collapsed  disc and took a fall. I hit my head on the concrete floor.. Several days later I noticed I was dizzy again.

I was worried. In the morning in bed as I contemplated, Anna Christine`s name crossed my mind. This was a breakthrough and I followed it. We agreed she would work with me remotely.

After, I noticed I was not dizzy and so once again I was relieved of a potential bigger problem. I very much recommend Anna Christine.

T. Kayler,  February 2022


Shoulder Pain and Low EnergyRemote / Distant Reconnective Healing®

”At Februar the 10th. I went at 5 pm to bed, nearly fainting from excruciating shoulder pain, and very tired because I had not slept for two nights.

Tuesday February the 11th., I got up at 6 am, totally pain free  and full of energy, 100% fit and ok.
Anna Christine told me at the phone she had given me a distant Reconnective Healing® Session. This was truly a full success. It was a miracle. At this occasion I want to mention that this was the second time I experienced something like this.
Many thanks Anna Christine, thanks a lot!  C D.”, Nanaimo Feb.11., 2020


Complicate Shoulder Surgery
Distant Reconnective Healing
I slept solid after my operation on arm and shoulder and the pain was bearable.When I laid totally still I had no pain.

My husband is even more affected and has now a solid sleep of nine hours. Before he could not sleep well and woke up every hour. He seems to be also more patient with me and my situation.
D. A., Nanaimo, June 2018


Brain Injury  –        Reconnective Healing
“At the beginning I start ed feeling electric static sensations (like tingling, buzzing) and then different body parts were being filled w a thick energetic fluid .. particularly my feet and legs and then toward the end of the session, I began to see visions of my body moving up through rings of golden energy . the energy seemed quite luminous in the rings and it was very beautiful. There’s no words to describe the feeling it gave me . I cannot come up with any words for it.
Side note: saw brilliant perlescent dark blue light on my first session.”
This happened after several sessions

Nanaimo, Vancouver Island … May 8th, 2018
The client does not want to disclose the name

Stress and Brain Fog
Three Reconnective Healing Sessions
Hello Anna Christine,
What I have noticed is that I use my left hand much more -I am right handed. I stir the soup, grab things from the table with my left had, but also paint little corners which I can not reach with my right hand. I did only notice after some time, because it felt so natural.

I feel less fear. I can address complicated situations, pick up the phone for unpleasant calls and feel much more comfortable talking about sensitive subjects like money or discomfort.

In the last months I noticed I got more clarity in my thinking. I have reached a higher level of abstract thinking, and I am getting very good at scanning the bigger picture. It gives me the opportunity to approach issues, topics or subjects in a different, unconventional way and discover completely new areas. I always was already pretty good at it, but it seems my head has cleared from the fogginess.
T.B., Nanaimo, April 2018


Since Years Headaches
Reconnective Healing®
I would like to make a point about “Reconnective Healing” by Anna Christine and what she does, writing a testimonial is for the readers purpose, with no benefit for me. I hope you can take away something of great value out of my experience to enhance your health and belief.

In the past 5 years I have had daily headaches (various spots on my head but always included my top right side) I have seen doctors and neurologists and was told the same thing, I have a conglomerate of tight muscles and nerves on my right side of my neck that are so tight my blood is not flowing consistently, hence creating headaches, I was offered Botox injections and told to keep doing what your doing, chiropractors and neck exercises.

My introduction to Anna Christine was merely an accident, a life altering accident may I add, I am the Executive Director of a not for profit society and was looking for something for our silent auction that was more personal. I saw Reconnective Healing in the directory and went to her website, she offered Acupressure and Reconnective Healing  and so much more, after calling Anna Christine she offered 3 sessions, ending the conversation she had mentioned her intuition and that I should check out her website for Brain Rejuvenation, often with constant headaches my brain feels tired. I had not told Anna Christine that I even get headaches.

When arriving at her home, she was warm and caring and it is apparent she has a spiritual connection that guides her to do what she does. That might scare you away, but when you meet her you will understand.

Anna Christine without asking, told me she knows I have pain in my head and on the right side, I said yes, going to the absolute perfect spot on my head she began to move her fingers around for about 20 minutes.

Personally I believe each being is made of energy and we are on different energy frequency’s, each on our own paths, but if someone were to tell me what I am sharing with you, I would hesitate to believe it is that quick and direct healing, in my case, and not all cases, my healing happened instantly.

It has been three weeks, don’t get me wrong I still have minor headaches in my head but not once since my healing experience has it been on the right side of my head. I will be going back to see her a few more times.

We go to doctors time and time again and are disappointed in the outcome, reaching out of the box of your own comfort zone and look at something different that won’t hurt you, it is worth the money
( if that is a concern) but you will experience something deeper.

I believe Anna Christine from Reconnective Healing can, really can, offer you a balance in your life, if you know you need it or not to reach an emotional, physical, mental and Spiritual balance. I believe she can offer you inner peace in what ever you need.

99% headache free after 5 years
Cathy Boegel, December 2016

the healings with Reconnective Healing go beyond what we usually expect after sessions. We need 3 – 5 sessions. Sometimes healing happens instantly and sometimes it takes time … and sometimes something totally different gets healed we were not aware of and that endangered our life.

Tune-up to be Ready for this Chaotic Time
Reconnective Healing®
We take our cars in for servicing twice a year, don’t we? Well, it is time for my fall “tune up” too, so I have booked my Reconnective Healing session with Anna Christine – even though I think I am feeling pretty good.

My three RH sessions with her last spring finally seemed to “put me back together” – after decades of feeling like Humpty Dumpty after his fall. After many years of ‘working on myself’ through much reading, thinking, praying, forgiving, and taking some ‘transformational’ courses at The Haven, it seemed that my three RH sessions provided the final piece of the puzzle to reconnect me with the aspects of myself and Self that I had felt were “missing in action” since childhood.

Since then, I don’t feel I have lost any of the integrated and joyful sense of self that RH helped me recover, but, with all the chaos swirling around us at this time, I am giving myself the gift of another Reconnective Healing session with Anna Christine, to help ensure I stay as integrated as I need to be in the months ahead. Thank you, Anna Christine.
Janet Hicks, Nanaimo BC
November 15, 2016


Constipation  –  Reflexology
My bowels emptied itself frequently and throughly for two days. The day you gave the sessions from 10.30-11.30 I had 5 bowel movements. The quantity was moderate each time. Instead of being hard it was moist.
(this client is  95 and since she lives in Victoria I see her very seldom)
Betty D., Victoria, February 2014

Knee Problems
Reconnective Healing® – Release of Energy Blockages
Anna Christine did some work with me on my knee I was not sure what I had done to it but it it was sore for about 3 months and some days I could not walk on it. It took her about 5 minutes to fix it. I have not had any pain up until now and it has been about two months, thank you Anna Christine. If you need something fixed go see her.
~ Catherine Dawe, Nanaimo

Various Problems Resulting from an Accident
Reconnective Healing®
Hi Anna – thank you for the session.  What I have noticed (it is hard to tell – I have been feeling  better with my digestion) – but it is interesting because I have been having trouble with my arm – pulled muscle – and now, after months, it is getting better.  I notice when I put on my seatbelt it doesn’t hurt as much.  I think the sessions from you make a difference physically.
Gwen S., Nanaimo, August 2013

Numb Feet
Reflexology (European Style)
“The soles of my feet always felt thick and numb… now they have feeling and I can feel the water in the swimming pool.”
~ Ralph H., Ladysmith

Shoulder Discomfort
Reflexology (European Style)
“The discomfort in my shoulder was excruciating… the next morning after the session from Anna Christine it was completely gone.”
~ Anne B., Ladysmith

Bowel Problems
Reflexology (European Style)
“A. (infant) had a bowel movement only every 5-9 days… Anna-Christine spent about 20 min. doing reflexology with A. and showed me what points to massage… we are so thrilled about her daily movements and the change in her moods.”
~ Cathy W., Nanaimo

Severe Headaches
Reconnective Healing®
“For over a month I had severe headaches and took up to 4 relief tablets daily, after one session it was gone. Later I needed one tablet once in a while.”
~ C.P., Nanaimo

Hearing Problems, Hip, Prostrate
Reflexology (European Style)
“Not only that I can hear the turning signal of my car again and the hip pain is gone… what surprises me the most… I can now sleep through the night… before I was more in the bathroom than in bed. Up seven times a night.”
~ Arnold A., Nanaimo

Headaches on one side
Reflexology (European Reflexology)
“D. came to Anna-Christine with a very bad attack. His face was white… his eyes were closed to avoid the effects of the light… after Anna-Christine was taking care of him his face looked refreshed… headache free, well circulated, happy again… At home he talked more than usual, felt still happy and relaxed and since than he has warm feet and no headaches.”
~ Petra F., Qualicum

Reflexology (European Reflexology)
“For me it did a world of good for my sinuses”
~ Nelly K., Nanaimo

Sleeping Problems
Reflexology (European Reflexology)
“I really had sleeping problems and then… I slept and slept and slept, the first 3 hours on the sofa and then 8 hours in bed.”
~ Linda, Ladysmith

Shin Splints
Reflexology (European Reflexology)
“After a session of Reflexology the awful shin-splints have gone away.”
~Jerry B., Ladysmith

Constipation – Baby
Reflexology (European Reflexology)
“My 2 months old daughter was very colicky and so constipated that she had only once a week a bowel movement, despite the fact that I was breast feeding her. A. C. massaged the baby’s feet for 5 minutes and showed me how to do it myself every morning… until the end of day one I had six full diaper changes… K. is a lot happier, sleeps better and doesn’t seem colicky at all. She was much more content…”
~Brenda V., Nanaimo

Discomfort in Legs
Reflexology (European Reflexology)
“Can now walk the stairs, and not only one step at a time.”
~ M.W., Nanaimo

Long Distance Session – Ear and Sinus Problems
Quantum Level Energy Work(Consegrity)
“I phoned Anna-Christine because I wanted to know whether she knows anybody in my area, North Carolina, who does Ear Candling. She didn’t but wanted to know why I wanted it and I told her about the echoing I had in my head when the hairbrush hit the scalp… she said she could only do Consegrity © over this distance and I agreed to try it… I have to say I felt the Friday night session, my ears have improved a lot… they are open again, not like when I first called, I felt like my head was opening up.”
~ Katherine Rausch, North Carolina, 2003

Reflexology (European Reflexology)
“Had to get up 3 times a night to go to the bathroom. After 2 sessions with reflexology I have an all night sleep.”
~ Jack D., Cedar

Wrist Pain and Swelling  after a Fall
Reconnective Healing®,  I wish to give to you my testimony for the results of hands on Reconnective Healing you performed on my wrist and hand after a bad fall I had taken while skating.
I had fallen while turning to come off the ice and injured my right hand, wrist and arm to a point it was difficult to move.
On examination Anna-Christine could see that the damage was extensive as there was a lot of swelling and bruising in the hand and wrist with a bump on the back of the hand. I could not use the hand. Anna-Christine let her fingers travel over my hand and wrist and up the arm. Close to the elbow her fingers started to vibrate as if she was scratching. The vibrating went on for sometime, about ten minutes, but when the vibrating finally subsided the bump was down and the pain was almost gone. It was absolutely amazing to watch the automatic vibrating of the fingers as they healed the area. I could now move the hand.
How fortunate we are to have a talent like this available.
~ Thomas McA, Parksville

Energy Blockage in Head
Reconnective Healing®
A Vega-Test at a fair showed that I have an energy blockage in my head that might cause over time a stroke. This made sense to me because at age 10 a heavy little statue had fallen on my head.
I went to Anna Christine and she checked with her fingertips my head out. On the left side the fingers started vibrating as if she was scratching my scalp. She stayed with her fingers for about 30 minutes on that area… then the vibration stopped.
A second Vega Test showed an improvement of 170%.
I got one more session and now my head feels quite different.
~ Kevin C., Shawnigan Lake

Hand Tremors
Reconnective Healing®
J. is doing very well now, his tremor is 1/2 of what it was before we went to you. Thanks.
~ Barbara L., Saltspring Island

Letter after Reconnective Healing® Session
Hi Anna Christina:
Sorry this took me so long to give you my experience with Reconnective Healing.
Initially I felt all of this energy entering my head, then after a little while my stomach was very energized, but still in my head.
I felt as is if you were pulling out threads of bad energy, like one long thread. Then waves of energy almost like I was lying on the shore and the waves were coming over me.
I believe something happened in my brain, or my mental being… after the healing it was like I could see clearer and not just visually but mentally as well. I was and am looking at the whole world just a little differently than before the healing.
Thank you very much
~Janice I., Nanaimo

Sore Foot
Reconnective Healing® 
“Anna Christine wanted to show me what Energy Healing is all about. I told her that my foot hurts. For several minutes her hands were kind of scratching on the sore spot at my foot until it eventually stopped. After 4 days my foot was still pain free.”
~Rose, Nanaimo

Reconnective Healing®
Testimony available at Energy All Around Healing office.
~ I. P., Nanaimo

Lack of Energy, lack of appetite, headaches, swollen neck  
Reconnective Healing®
While working at the Psychic Fair I approached Anna Christine with my symptoms and received a session from her. That night I felt more energy and hungry. The next day I received another session and the following days were filled with energy, the headaches were gone, I felt like eating again, the swelling in my neck was gone and I also noticed that I snored less and had a better balance. I feel it is a beneficial therapy for everyone and  highly recommend it.
~Lynne, M. Nanaimo 

Multiple Sclerosis
Reconnective Healing® – hands-on
This was done at a house-warming-party and the person was not a client. After the, perhaps 15 min session she menioned so many changes that I, Anna Christine, asked her to write them down.
1. Less pressure at base of skull.
2. More feeling in my fingertips.
3. More feeling in my face.
4. Less pressure behind my right eye.
5. More neck movement.
6. Less pressure behind my cheek-bones.
7. Warmer neck.
8. Warmer shoulder.
Sorry, I cannot give the name, 2009, Nanaimo

Zehschmerzen – Schmerzen beim Laufen
Reconnective Healing® also distant Reconnective Healing®
Liebe Christine,
heute möchte ich Dir noch einmal sagen, wie dankbar ich Dir bin, dass ich wieder richtig ohne Schmerzen laufen kann.
Das erste mal hast Du mich am 22.06.2012 hier in Berlin behandelt. Da war mein großer Zeh stark nach rechts gebogen und hat den Zeh daneben aufgescheuert und beide Zehen bluteten, waren entzündet und ich konnte keinen Schritt mehr laufen, es tat wahnsinnig weh.
Der Orthopäde sagte mir das geht nur durch eine Operation zu beheben, der Zeh muss begradigt werden.
Nach Deiner ersten Behandlung fühlte ich ein warmes Gefühl und ein Kribbeln bis in die Fußspitzen.
Nach der zweiten Behandlung zwei Tage später am 24.06.2012 waren meine unerträglichen Schmerzen, die ich auch nachts hatte, völlig weg.
Jetzt folgten noch zwei Fernbehandlungen, seitdem ist es wie ein Wunder, der einst krumme Zeh ist wieder gerade, tut nicht mehr weh und ich kann seit dem laufen und rennen wie ein junges Mädchen.
Ein viertel Jahr geht es mir nun schon so gut, ich bin völlig Beschwerdefrei.
Hab 1000 Dank liebe Christine, Deine Behandlung ist das schönste Geschenk in meinem Leben.
Deine Sigrid, Berlin,

Translation: Toe Pain – Pain when Walking
Reconnective Healing® also distant Reconnective Healing®
Dear Christine,
today I want to say thank you and how grateful I am that I can, really, walk again without pain.
You gave me the first session at June 22, 2012. My big ytoe was bent a lot to the right, and rubbed at the second toe so much that both toes were bleeding and were inflamed, and I could hardly walk. The pain was intense.
The Orthopedic Doctor saud this can be only corrected with surgery. The big toe has to be straightened.
After your first session I had a feeling of warmth and tingling in my toe tips.
After the second session two days later at June the 24th, 2012 the unbearable pain that I had also during the night was totally gone.
Two distant sessions followed and it is like a miracle. The toe that was once bent is straight, does not hurt anymore and I can again walk and run like a young girl.
Since three months I am fine and have no complaints.
!000 thanks dear Christine, your sessions are the best gift in my life.
Sigrid, Berlin

Procrastination – Anger, Long Distance
Quantum Healing (Consegrity)
Anna Christine who has her Holistic Health Center ‘Energy All Around Therapies’ in Nanaimo is truly a gifted healer. Two weeks of Consegrity sessions and my husband is a new man. He is no longer a chronic procrastinator, the angry, impatient tone has left his voice, he is more helpful and more willing to accept change. A joy to be with. Thank you Anna.
~ S.S., Alberta, 2003

Tired  and  Exhausted
Three Distant Reconnective Healing® Sessions
Hello Anna Christine, although I had a very tough working week (worked up to 14 hours a day), I had days were I seemed to be sometimes in a kind of universal consciousness perception were I relaxed into something bigger and the human drama was more distant. Perhaps this had to do with your session!?
Anyway, thank you for your assistance ! <3
Ruediger F.  ……  June, 2016

Guilt, Shame, and Acute Fatigue
Reconnective Healing®
Dear Anna Christine,
I have to say that my three sessions of Reconnective Healing recently have helped me immeasurably!
I have received single sessions from Anna Christine before – which I am sure were helpful, but which did not produce earth-shattering results.
However, this summer, when I made the decision to take the three session Special that Anna Christine was offering, I could not foresee the impact it would have on my life.

Perhaps it is partly due to some cumulative effect of earlier sessions, and I am also positive that in some way I was “ready” – emotionally, psychologically & spiritually – to let go of patterns that I have been living for some 65 years!

Prior to taking the three Reconnective Healing sessions, I had experienced a number of personal transformation courses that had provided some personal insights; I had also been reading (over many years, and also recently) some books that spoke directly to my issues! I had then come to a conscious decision, which I voiced to a friend, that I was not going to take any more courses: I was going to accept myself as I am, instead of trying to “fix” myself.

When I signed up for the three RH sessions, I was experiencing acute fatigue after a very busy week; this fatigue was relieved immediately by the first session of RH. The second session restored to me my internal ‘joie de vivre’ which had been missing for a very long time! The third session, while it did not seem to have the same overtly compelling effect as the first two, I am quite sure that it was essential to the cellular/neurological embodiment of the transformations that I am experiencing. The most amazing part is that I can now, for the first time ever, reflect on memories from childhood and adulthood without the guilt and shame that has accompanied my entire life! This, I am sure, is a direct impact of the Reconnective Healing process – and it is wonderfully liberating! It feels as though all the fears, misinterpretations and stupid mistakes of the past have been miraculously forgiven and healed. Thank you, Anna Christine, for the wonderful gift of your Reconnective Healing.
Janet Hicks, Nanaimo (July 2016)

P.S. I also want to say how much better my shoulder has been since you worked on it with your fingertips, at the beginning of my third session – the effect was immediate and has lasted since then; it seems much stronger and rarely hurts now! Thank you!

