Help for Back Pain

 GoChi is truly helping with back pain.  August 2005 I had a severe car accident … for a few minutes unconscious from the impacts. Triple whiplash.

My lower back and also the kidney area, the neck and the head caused a lot of problems. The nervous system was also affected. And PTSD was a problem for quite a while.

The pain at the top of my head was more than pain, especially after I excerted myself (going up-stairs or up-hills) … I had the feeling that small bloodvessels were leaking. I’ll  be forever grateful that I was already drinking  Himalayan Goji Juice since one year. I believe that I might have died otherwise.

The death of a skier showed a few years later that one actually can die from a blow to the head when bloodvessels get injured. She did  not take her sky-accident seriously and died the next day.

It took me at least 2 years  to realize the severity of my accident. My back was all the time hurting but it was bearable because  I was drinking  daily 4 ounces GoChi, the next juice from that company, which is containing at least 30% more of the active ingredients, bioactive polysaccharides that re-establish the communication between the cells. Over time my back got better and better

In December 2007 I wanted to see what happens with my back when I stop drinking GoChi.

One morning after 2 weeks, when I wanted to switch my radio off that is on the night table, I was sitting on my bed unable to turn to the right. The pain in the kidney area was so intense that it was impossible to move.
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“Enough research” I thought and started immediately drinking GoChi again. The next morning I was ok.

Most of the  problems like PTSD, back pain, neck pain  and the headaches improved over time. I am still drinking the juice because of my double vision that I have since the accident.

 I strongly recommend everybody who had an accident to drink GoChi.

I believe from everything that I learned and observed that trauma will over time always cause problems. It can take 10, 20 or 30 years. I wonder how many have back problems because they fell as children on their tailbone or had other accidents.

Anna Christine


Non-GMO Shopping Guide

Is Monsanto responsible for the many suicides  of Indian farmers? One about every 30 minutes.

Hopefully this film Peepli Live is successful in raising awareness about the destructive power of this technology.

According to : “Since GM seeds are patented by Monsanto, their repeated use each year requires constant licensing fees that keep farmers impoverished. One bad yield due to drought or other reasons, plunges farmers so deep into debt that they resort to suicide. One study estimates that 150,000 farmers have killed themselves in the past ten years.”

More information is on the AlterNet website.

When we are really honest with ourselves then we must admit that we all contribute to the death of  the farmers buy buying processed foods that contain GMO.

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We might even lose weight doing this … chuckle.

Anna Christine

Coffee Addiction – Help

Addictions are caused by stress and stress reduction is the first benefit clients who received a Reconnective Healing session notice.

Most people know that too much coffee is affecting over time our health and our brain function in a negative way, but they often do not know why. 

Too much coffee makes our body acidic. It is important to know that disease needs an acidic body to strive. Cancer can for example not exist in an alkaline body.

Only one place in our body has to be acidic …  the stomach with its digestive juices, which  break the food down.

Reconnective Healing is really helpful to get rid of the craving for coffee and also for cigarettes. The sessions can be done in the office of a prctitioner but also over a distance. Any distance!

Two years ago I mentioned this effect to various clients and they said surprised  “Oh, therefore I had no coffee for 4 days”
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and another one who had received a distance session “Oh, therefore my coffee is still standing on the counter (it was Noon), I had made it at 8 am.

You will find more information on my website under Reconnective Healing.

Please contact me or a practitioner in your area for more information

Anna Christine

No Energy

So often we believe our lack of energy is caused by  wrong foods, lack of nutrients, stress, or lack of sleep.

Actually there might be a much more serious reason for constant fatigue … a toxic liver or kidneys, overburdened with too many toxins.

In one of my Reflexology books is a chapter about a man who was tall and lazy (at least this was assumed by others). His wife was small and had to do all the work. After several sessions of Reflexology the man became more active and was eventually energetic and did the chores his wife always had done.

What had happened? The liver was most likely stuck in a state of toxicity … perhaps the toxins could not be processed by the kidneys because they were overburdened too.

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Toxins cause over time lack of energy and tiredness.

Anna Christine

Lack of Energy

Are you falling asleep during meetings or lectures? Or even worse at the steering wheel?

The best and healthiest solution for this problem is the Chi-3 Energy Drink. Available at Goji

It contains Vitamin B 3, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B 12, Folic Acid and additional one ounce GoChi.

The GoChi is very beneficial because 3 clinical trials have shown within 4 weeks with 4 ounces daily 19 benefits: More energy, better sleep, and increased mental focus where among them.

Anna Christine

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PS.:  I drink it before every long trip with the car.