We are accustomed to the term ENERGY HEALING and it is for many difficult to understand the difference between Reconnective Healing® and Energy Healing (Reiki is a form of energy healing).
The difference is the level to which the frequencies are transferred.
A frequency is the number of electromagnetic light waves that pass a point in space during any time interval,
Dr. Tiller, Professor Emeritus, Stanford, performed research during a few Reconnective Healing® seminars and discovered the following:
The presently known energy healing techniques utilize electromagnetic energy but in Reconnective Healing® frequencies of a much higher level are transferred – they are called magneto electric energy.
Dr. Tiller: “what is happening is that many kinds of energy and light are flowing through the healer into the healee beyond just what has been classically known as energy healing into a broader spectrum of energy, light and information. A spectrum that may have not been access ible by us prior demonstrate that the new continuum of healing frequencies impressively and conclusively increases what science calls “excess free thermodynamic energy”
The research shows that it is released to a small degree with energy healing.
Knowing that a photon (particle/wave) is:
- The smallest particle of energy
- The smallest particle of light
- The smallest particle of information
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All three have frequencies of a different kind. Obviously energy has a slower one than light and information.
Energy healing/Reiki uses energy (electromagnetic energy)
Reconnective Healing® uses energy-light-information, which is magneto-electric energy.
In short
Energy healing/Reiki uses slower frequencies Reconnective Healing® uses higher/faster frequencies.
Why do we have now access to these frequencies?
Because the universe is expanding and we can receive more.
It is important that the practitioner is in harmony with the universe.
Anna Christine
Blog: www.AnnaChristineDoehring.com