Energy Healing – Reiki – Reconnective Healing® – The Difference

We are  accustomed to the term ENERGY HEALING and it is for many difficult to understand the difference between Reconnective Healing® and  Energy Healing (Reiki is a form of energy healing).
The difference is the level to which the frequencies are transferred.

A frequency is the number of electromagnetic light waves that pass a point in space during any time interval,

Dr. Tiller, Professor Emeritus, Stanford, performed research during a few Reconnective Healing® seminars and discovered the following:

The presently known energy healing techniques utilize electromagnetic energy but in Reconnective Healing® frequencies of a much higher level are transferred – they are called magneto electric energy.
Dr. Tiller: “what is happening is that many kinds of energy and light are flowing through the healer into the healee beyond just what has been classically known as energy healing into a broader spectrum of energy, light and informationA spectrum that may have not been access ible by us prior demonstrate that the new continuum of healing frequencies impressively and conclusively increases what science calls “excess free thermodynamic energy”

The research shows that it is released to a small degree with energy healing.

Knowing that a photon (particle/wave) is:

  • The smallest particle of energy
  • The smallest particle of light
  • The smallest particle of information

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All three have frequencies of a different kind. Obviously energy has a slower one than light and information.
Energy healing/Reiki uses energy (electromagnetic energy)
Reconnective Healing® uses energy-light-information, which is magneto-electric energy.

In short
Energy healing/Reiki uses slower frequencies Reconnective Healing® uses  higher/faster frequencies.

Why do we have now access to these frequencies?
Because the universe is expanding and we can receive more.

It is important that the practitioner is in harmony with the universe.

Anna Christine

Cancer? – Distant Reconnective Healing

At the beginning of April 2012 one of my friends in Berlin told me that his roommate has colon cancer.
I promised to give his friend a few distant Reconnective Healing sessions … which I did the same month.  I gave three distant Reconnective Healing sessions. I live in Canada.

Two months later I was in Berlin and asked him how his friend is doing. He he told me  everything is ok and the doctors believe they misdiagnosed.

Now … we’ll never know what actually happened but we both are very happy.
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What Can we Do to Stay Healthy – Prevention

So much is talked about the rising costs of health care but rarely somebody mentions the word PREVENTION.

Research with cats was done years ago. Every following gheneration of the cat group that got processed food had earlier and earlier health problems. The fifth generation even did not know what to do in a life threatening situation.

Which means the  parents lifestyle and nautrition has an effect on the health of their children, grand children and all generations to come.

The number one goal of our nutrition has to be to eat as much food as possible that is alive. That was picked in the garden or the garden of a local farmer. This food has life energy, a lot of Chi.

When we eat dead food we will be tired and become sooner or later sick.

When we do not do this NOW the health care costs witl raise with every generation to come.

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Or did you hear that Jesus handed out lemons, oranges or carrots?

Anna Christine


mber one goal of staying healthy,

High Blood Pressure – Depression – Reconnective Healing

Sheila Rogers, Next Chapter, talked this morning on the CBC about her experiences with High Blood Pressure and Depression.  

I wondered ‘could it be  this is caused by the stress resulting from Electro-Magnetic Fequencies (EMF) she is exposed to during her work?  Getting every morning up at 3.33 am is also stressful.

I checkd on google about the side effects of EMF and sure enough High Bloodpressure and Depression were listed beside anxiety, headaches,  pain, Alzheimer’s, bi-polar and others.

In my opinion many health problems we have might be caused not only by toxins but also by EMF.

EMF causes stress in the body, especially for the neurological system,  and the medical field admits that stress is to a very large degree involved of all disease.
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Eric Pearl said during the Reconnective Healing seminar that I attended 2007 in Los Angeles: “and I am even committing the greatest crime of all” taking his cell phone of his belt. He is relaxed about the machines at the airport because his cellular frequency is high and the radiation is just passing through him.

Reconnective Healing is in my opinion of great help for electromagnetic sensitivities. Reconnective Healing is different from all forms of energy healing, like for example Reiki and QiGong.   HERE you can listen to Doug de Vito’s explanation how Reconnective Healing affects DNA, in comparison to Reiki and QiGong

Anna Christine

Many Seem to Expect Dementia When Older

The future looks grim for our brains according to the article “Experts predict cases of dementia to double over the next two decades” . The advice is to increase the capacity to detect dementia early to provide the necessary care.

What are people thinking? Would it not be better to educate the population about all the things that are bad for our brain function … this should be taught in school already! People have to start with doing their own research.

What is causing dementia? Nobody really knows.  In my opinion there are mainly four causes:
Toxins. What contains the toxins? pop- cans, vaccinations (they contain mercury), many products we use in our daily life, personal care products, the freezing at the dentist. Every time we are longer than 8 minutes on a portable phone or on a cell-phone the blood-brain barrier opens and the toxins can get in the brain. … Guess one cannot do a lot when they are in the brain.
Injuries (whip-lash, concussions, but also injuries to back or legs)  that cause an impaired energey flow between brain-cells. These arease might become larger and larger over time. Here one can do something with Acupuncture or Acupressure
Emotional escape. meaning that we live a life we don’t want to live. Dementia is like a refuge. I had an uncle who was very strict and my aunt developed Alzheimer’s. She was placed in a facility in another city. I thought at that time “how sad, they have been together such a long time and now they have to part”. Surprisingly she felt better and better, but she stayed in the other city.
EMF, electromagnetic frequencies, mainly the pulsating ones from wireless technology and Smart Meters.
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Society has to start thinking differently about all aspects of health … instead of “how can we help?” we have to think “What can we do to prevent it?”

Drinking enough high quality water is also what we can do. During Reflexology sessions the brain reflexes get stimulated too.


Anna Christine