The first step to be in a state of inner peace is very simple. Every time you have an angry, anxious, fearful, sad, furious, disappointed thought, … immidiately say “Stop” and think of something beautiful or funny.
Think of a time you were really happy or full of joy…. and stay with that experience. Repeat this every time you have a bad thought or a negative emotion coming up.
Bad thoughts are coming from the bad source of thoughts and happy thoughts are coming from the good (God) source of thoughts.. Easy.
When you consequently do this you will notice how your life will change for the better over time.. Stop watching or listening to the news. Did you notice they talk again and again about the same terrible things which often crreate fear in us.
There are so many funny, amusing, or comical short videos…Watch them. One does not have to have a Reconnective Healing® session to reach a state of inner peace. Constantly switching from a bad thought to a good one is changing our life also over time.
During this chaotic time it is very important to be in a state of Joy and inner peace as often as possible.
Wishing you success with this.
Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
Certified Reconnection Practitioner™
for the better