Is it possible to treat a concussion? Is it not better to give the brain time to rest and to reorganise … to regain a balance in the Chi-flow.
When fifteen years old I had in Germany a severe concussion. Four weeks I had to be flat on my back in hospital. Nothing was done additional. After that time I was free of any symptoms.
About fifteen years ago I had another brain injury. The healing took a long time because I was not able to rest as much as would have been necessary. Being a Holistic Health practitioner I was able to help myself by releasing the energy blockages in head and neck. More on the page Brain Rejuvenation. Two yeas later I attended the first Reconnective Healing seminar and I contribute part of my improvements to that..
Mediction I took only for my neckpain. During a seminar about Blockages of Healing I learned that medication actually is in the way of the healing process. Many do not seem to know that.
All healing modalities that help to balance the body are helpful, like Reflexology, Acupressure, Akupunkture, Reconnective Healing and other forms of energy heling.
Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
Reconnection Certified Practitioner