Reconnective Healing® is the most effective modality to gain clarity about life and it helps the fastest to know what to do in difficult life situations – like possible divorce. whether to leave a friend or not, or problems at the job
From the four healing modalities I studied and practice it is my first choice to help my clients to become clear and know which decision is the right one.
Most of the time only three to five Reconnective Healing® sessions are needed.
It is interesting that more and more clients intuitively want now Reconnective Healing® and The Reconnection® … and are very happy with the results and the changes in their life. They are surprised the brainfog is gone, they sleep better, are happy and calm, stress is gone, have more energy, higher libido and the anxiety is disappearing.
Since there are not so many Reconnecive Healing Foundational Practitioners™ (RHFP) on the planet it is of great benefit to know that distant Reconnective Healing® Sessions are as effective as a session done in person.
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Many think that dista nt energy healing is the same as Reconnective Healing but both are very different.
Here is a great video of Dr. Eric Pearl speaking about Reconnective Healing versus Energy Healing Techniques:
The Reconnection® accelerates the positive changes and can only be done by a Reconnection Certified Practitioner™ (RCP). I will write more about this next time.
Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP