Reflexology can help constipated adults, also babies and children. Here is the amazing testimonial from one of my clients who is 95 years old. Unfortunately she lives in Victoria, 1 1/2 hours away from me. I see her seldom. Last time during the Reflexology session I focussed on the large intestine reflex area. Here is what she experienced:
“My bowels emptied itself frequently and thoroughly for two days. The day you gave me the session from 10.30 – 11.30 am I had 5 bowel movements. The quantity was moderate each time. Instead of hard it was moist. The next day I had to go to the bathroom nearly every two hours.”
I had driven to Victoria because she worried about her Kidneys which are affected by the toxins in our body. Regular bowel movements are helping our kidneys.
Constipation is very dangerous … Dr. Bernard Jensen once said that death starts in the colon. Constipation causes the putrefacation of the stool which stays in the colon, toxins are forming. Over time these toxins get into the body and cause all kinds of problems which people don’t relate to their constipation issues.
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I truly recommend to get , when constipated, about eight Reflexology sessions to help the body to normalize again
Anna Christine