The answer is in my opinion simple >>> Back pain especially Sciatic problems are causing heel spurs… and yes, when we are overweight we have more likely back problems which causes heel spurs.
As a certified reflexologist in Nanaimo I know that the sciatic nerve ends at the bottom of the heel.
Reflexology is based on the fact that the feet are like a map of the body and every part of the body has an area in the feet it is connected to.
When the Chi-flow in a certain area of the body is impeded the corresponding area in the feet starts to hurt when pressure is applied. The cause are little calcium deposts at the berve endings. 7.000 nerves end in the feet.
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Instead of putting cushions in the shoes or opting for surgery it is in my opinion better to go to a certified reflexologist or to another wholistic health practitioner who is certified in . Acupuncture, Acupressure, Body Talk, EFT … there are many other modalities.
Anna Christine