All disease is the inablity of cells to communicate. The location where this happens gives the symptom a name.
When we are sick the light emissions of the DNA that surround the cells become less. It is as if the halo around the cells becomes smaller and smaller, it dims … as it does with cancer for example.
All healing modalities we had until now(like Reflexology and Acupressure/Acupuncture, JinShin, Massage, EFT, Physiotherapy) and also all energy-healings using a technique help to rebalance the energy-flow(Chi) in the body and that enables the body to heal itself.
True healing is more and it is simple, it just sends the light to the body and the cells. The cells remember how to be the light and the body can heal itself.
Healing can happen very fast. The less one is attached to the problem and trapped in the belief that nothing can help the faster the healing happens. Children heal fast.
Proof for this form of healing are the German Healer Bruno Groening, the gazer Braco from Croatia and Dr. Eric Pearl who teaches Reconnective Healing® and The Reconnection®
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Unfortunately most people are not interested to learn more how the can be well and that is the reason I am very xad that so few cam to the lecture about Bruno Groening in Bowen Park. A follow-up lecture will be in Nanaimo, Vancouver Island on Tuesday, Oct. 29th, 7 pm in Beban Park.
We need to do for our health whatever we can. Our body needs help during this specific time!!!
Anna Christine