We are innundated with things that stress us, some we can avoid and others not
More and more scientists and doctors are finding out that Electromagnetic Radiation is a major culprit of health problems. It causes a lot of stress to our body and affects more and more of the younger generation … causing eventually chronic disease, cancer, and more
Chinese Doctors of PulseDiagnostic are very concerned about their findings..
Electromagnetic Radiation is emitted by everything that is electric … all WiFi IPod, Smart Phone, cellphone,TV, Smart Meter, portable phones, Baby Monitors, Blue Tooth and so on …
One way to avoid the worst is to reduce as much of the WiFi in the house as possible. Phones need to he on a cord. Computers too. Smart Meters should not even be allowed. Get rid of the router.
The second way is in my opinion to get Reconnective Healing sessions. This might be a solution because it raises the vibratory level of our cells. During my first Reconnective Healing seminar 2007 Dr. Eric Pearl, speaking about frequencies, said the following “and I am even committing the greatest cribe of all” and he took his cell phone off the belt. He is not worried about the radiation at the air ports, travelling 45 months of the year to give seminars. His cells are on a very high vibrational level.
16 years ago I checked in my appartment with a little gauss meter all electrical appliances. My landlady was present. The dimmerswitch emmitted so much radiation that she brought me the next day a normal switch.
Later, when I worked 7 years for Home Support, I had one client with Parkinson’s. I found out she was sitting during each meal at the table with a dimmerswitch behind her head.
Get educated about this issue. We have google.
Anna Christine