Dr. Felix Veloso wrote the book Stroke Prevention Naturally: Proven Non Pharmaceutical Strike Avoidance Strategies..He poined out how important a healthy life style and excerccise is.
He also wrote that gum disease is probably the biggest risk factor for for strokes.
Since I know that we have gum disease when our body fluids (with the exception of the stomach) are acidic (pH is under 7) and this is caused by stress and acidity causing foods the following made a lot of sense to me.
I had to think of the Dr. Matthias Rath’s lecture given 2001 in Berlin.. In his opinion a chronic lack of vitamins and cell nutrition is the main cause of strokes and coronary problems. The lack of nutrition causes many little rears in the arterial wall, the body tries to patch them with cholesterol and that causes eventual heart attacks and strokes.
This made sense to me because a few years before I read a tiny article in the one of Nanaimo’s newspapers, Bulletin or The Daily News, in which they wrote that looking at the skin quality of the hand one can predict whether somebody will have a stroke years later.
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(Dr. med. Matthias Rath, Gesundheit ist machbar, 2001
Anna Christine
PS.: drink every morning fresh pressed lemon juice in warm water and be surprised what will happen.