The future looks grim for our brains according to the article “Experts predict cases of dementia to double over the next two decades” . The advice is to increase the capacity to detect dementia early to provide the necessary care.
What are people thinking? Would it not be better to educate the population about all the things that are bad for our brain function … this should be taught in school already! People have to start with doing their own research.
What is causing dementia? Nobody really knows. In my opinion there are mainly four causes:
Toxins. What contains the toxins? pop- cans, vaccinations (they contain mercury), many products we use in our daily life, personal care products, the freezing at the dentist. Every time we are longer than 8 minutes on a portable phone or on a cell-phone the blood-brain barrier opens and the toxins can get in the brain. … Guess one cannot do a lot when they are in the brain.
Injuries (whip-lash, concussions, but also injuries to back or legs) that cause an impaired energey flow between brain-cells. These arease might become larger and larger over time. Here one can do something with Acupuncture or Acupressure
Emotional escape. meaning that we live a life we don’t want to live. Dementia is like a refuge. I had an uncle who was very strict and my aunt developed Alzheimer’s. She was placed in a facility in another city. I thought at that time “how sad, they have been together such a long time and now they have to part”. Surprisingly she felt better and better, but she stayed in the other city.
EMF, electromagnetic frequencies, mainly the pulsating ones from wireless technology and Smart Meters.
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Society has to start thinking differently about all aspects of health … instead of “how can we help?” we have to think “What can we do to prevent it?”
Drinking enough high quality water is also what we can do. During Reflexology sessions the brain reflexes get stimulated too.
Anna Christine