Why is Reconnective Healing so differnt?

Anna Christine Doehring a certified Reconnective Healing Practitioner offers this fall again free information evenings about Reconnective Healing. The first one is on
Tuesday,   September 13th, 2011  at 7 pm

She will explain the difference of Reconnective Healing to all other forms of energy healing, like QuiGong, Reiki, Healing Touch and others, Reconnective Healing is new on the planet. Researchers and many members of the medical field take it very seriously. 

Reconnective Healing® – The Reconnection®
The Relevance of Two Chapters from
‘The Book of Knowledge – The Keys of Enoch’,
by J.J.Hurtak

This free one-two-hour  evening session will explore the Chapters 314 and 317 of the book as they relate to the concepts and practice of Reconnective Healing. A discussion period will follow. Anna Christine decided to talk about and explain these chapters of   ‘The Keys of Enoch’ because during this time of a tremendous Shift (Mayan Calender predictions) we need help to overcome stress, anxiety, anger,  and fear. Reconnective Healing, on the planet as this next level of healing, offers significant help.

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Tuesday,   September 13th, 2011  at 7 pm
Saturday,  October        1st, 2011   at 3 pm
Tuesday,   October        4th, 2011   at 3 pm and 7 pm

For more information click HERE

Anna Christine