Several years ago I met on a house warming party a woman with MS. I asked her whether I might touch her head-neck-shoulder-area, because I am always curious whether Hands-On Reconnective Healing (which a client called Brain-Rejuvenator Head-Neck-Shoulder Massage) can help. I got her permission.
My fingers moved on their own in scratching like movements on areas where the Chi-flow was blocked.. It took perhaps 15 minutes and then they did not want to move anymore. This happens when the Chi-flowe improves and the cells start communicating with each other.
I asked her whether she felt any difference. She had experienced so many improvements that I could not possibly remember them. I asked her to write the improvements down and she did:
1. Less pressure at bse of skull.
2. More feeling in my fingertips.
3. More feeling in my face.
4. Less pressure behind my right eye.
5. More neck movement.
6. Less paressure behind my cheek-bones.
7. Warmer neck.
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I am very excited that I finally found this paper. I was looking for it at least 2 years.
Because of her improvements I believe one can improve the MS symptoms of many. Any case is different, but it is always worth a try.
The information is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek out the advice of your physician or qualified health care provider when you have questions regarding a medical condition. Never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking such advice because of something you have read on this Blog or my website .
Anna Christine