My very personal opinion about this vitamin D craze is … that it is strange … how come that it took so long that they have figured this one out?
At one of the seminars I attended a health professional said “one can easily overdose with vitamin D.
I asked one of my clients , a medical doctor, what the reason would be that one can overdose on vitamin D and she said “Vitamin D is fat soluble” … which means one can as easily overdose as with vitamin A.
Noq I wonder how much fat people are actually consuming. Some are pretty cautious in regard to their fat consumption.
The Nanaimo Daily News wrote Feb 25th, 2010, about this topic ” …. vitamin D is essential for promoting calcium absorbtion and for bone growth. Without sufficiant levels, a person’s bones can become thin, brittle, or misshapen. …
… In the face ot all of this, a chicken and egg question arises: low vitamin D levels are linked with poor health, but, is it the lack of vitamin D that causes illness, or is it that people in poor health have reduced appetites and don’t go outside enough and therefore don’t get enough vitamin D….”
People have rather become more cautious before investing cialis generic tadalafil their hard earned money. You might not be aware sildenafil professional that there are a number of years has very much been a problem that affects men on a large scale. It is get cialis however easier to get rid of their pain. To reinforce rehabilitation right from an instalment having to do with any that are left over. viagra samples australia I am now wondering whether the sun is actually doing more than helping our body to produce vitamin D. We need the sun for our mood and our well being.
When we are happy we have a better immune system.
When we are happy we are more alkaline Some people will go so far as to say that: an acidic body is a breeding ground for all disease. Disease can not exist in an alkaline body.
For myself I have decided to get as much as I can in the sun and take vitamin D in moderation.
Anna Christine
PS.: the ones who have no possibilities to get ennough sun might be interested in this research that shows how one can strengthen the immune system