Reflexology – Afraid of Prostate Cancer?

A hot tip for all the men who are concerned they might run into problems with their prostate.

You need to know that the sole of our foot is like a map of our body. There is a reflex area for every part, every organ  of the body and if this reflex area hurts it shows that there is an energy blockage in the corresponding part of the body.

This energy blockage may be fairly harmless but it can also be serious and it is better to see a doctor.  After every session it will be usually less sensitive until there is finally hardly any sensitivity. Therefore it is recommended to have 6 – 10 sessions.

Also the prostate has a reflex area and when you have something ‘brewing’  in the prostate area  then it might be good to see a doctor.

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How does one know that something is ‘brewing’?

A reflexologist can never diagnose, treat or prescribe, but when one applies pressure on the various areas of the foot and there is  a sharp pain, and that pain is not going away after a few sessions they will always send you to your family doctor for more investigation.

Wise Owl                                                                                                                         Anna Christine