Brain Rejuvenation

BRAIN REJUVENATION – Concussion – Stroke

Anna-Christine’s Spiritual Gift of Healing she received 1998. After two Reflexology sessions my client was sitting on the massage table. My right hand was on his left shoulder. Suddenly my fingertips started moving very quickly on his shoulder, as if they were tapping – but this has nothing to do with EFT tapping.  Intuitively I knew the Divine energy was entering my crown chakra and came out through my fingertips into the clients shoulder. This Divine energy/Prana/Chi/ Biophotonen restores balance in the body and by this the body is able to heal itself. I was curious how long this will go on – after 30 minutes  the fingertips stopped moving.

The client took every day four  strong pain killers  against his headaches.

“What on earth did you do that this area was so tense?” I intuitively  knew a major blockage in the photon/Chi/energy-flow had caused  his headaches …  . He answered: “I had to hold up a heavy plate  with my head to be able to fix something with my hands.”  This made  sense. Five days later his wife cancelled the third session. His headaches were gone and he did not need anymore the painkillers.

What had happened to me is explained in The Book of Knowledge-The ‘Keys of Enoch®’, Dr. J.J.Hurtak, chapter 314. 61. Some individuals will receive an additional high frequency resonance transmission. … 62, This explains how paranormal gifts (like healing)  can be received…”.

I am very grateful for this  ‘Spiritual GIFT of Healing’.  Amazingly I can apply it also in Remote Energy Healing sessions on an anatomy chart.  My intuition guides my finger tips to the area of the photon/Chi/Prana/energy-flow impediment. They are always correct. I say to my clients ”do not tell me which arm you broke” and am correct with my finding.

After a concussion, a whiplash, a stroke  or any other injury my fingers find the area of the photon/Chi/energy flow disturbance..  Energy comes out through my fingertips into the area of the disturbance  and removes  blockages of the photon/Chi/energy flow. in head, neck, shoulders, hip, ankle, foot, knee, chest, wrist, back, or areas of a surgery.’

This high frequency resonance transmission I received was similar to Dr. Eric Pearl’s experience. As a  Holistic Healer I understood the energy, flowing through my fingers, was bringing back the photons into the problem area (lack of photons).

My daughter knew in Berlin a man on a Farmers Market who  had excruciating neck pain. She asked me: ”Would you help him?”  my fingers moved quickly on his neck and after a few minutes he shouted “The pain is gone!  The pain is gone! I am healed!” Four years later  he is still pain free.. I am still sad she didn`t record this with her cell phone.

A client called after his session my Spiritual GIFT of Healing  “BRAIN REJUVENATION”.

During a Health Fair in Nanaimo a 45 year old man was sent to me by a lady who had tested him with a VEGA machine . A little statue had fallen on his head when he was 12 years old. This had caused a light concussion. After  25 minutes  my fingers stopped moving and I sent him back to be tested again with the VEGA machine.  The effects of his energy blockage (concussion) had improved by 170%. The lady with the VEGA machine is from Comox, Vancouver Island. After that she sent several clients to me when she was in Nanaimo or Port Alberni. She worried these blockages may cause over time a stroke.

One of my medical instructors, Dr. Mary A. Lynch, said 1999 during a  seminar in Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, that in 40% of all strokes one could not find the cause and most likely these 40% are caused by an energy blockage in the brain – which causes a lack of photons.

CatScans and MRIs are not able to detect these energy blockages or impediments. .The impaired energy-flow  can only be detected when it has  caused over time a visible problem, like clogged blood vessels, broken blood vessels, tumors, mini strokes or strokes and other physical damage.

Concussions, whiplash, accidents, trauma, head injuries, wrong posture and stress  cause an impediment in the photon/energy/Chi flow.

My ‘Spiritual Gift Of Healing’ is done without any techniques, my mind/ego is not evolved. It can be seen as hands-on Reconnective Healing® that releases stress and tension in the tissue and brings photons in the problem area and rebalances the photon/energy/Chi-flow in the area..


    • Concussions, whiplash, any fall on the head,  or athletic activities
    • Harmful effects of cell phone/portable phone radiation
    • Mini strokes, Strokes, Bell’s Palsy, MS
    • Everybody exposed to stress & trauma
    • Hockey, Football, Soccer,  and Rugby Players
    • Sleep problems
    • Headaches, neck and shoulder tension
    • Energy blockages in the brain stem area –

    In my opinion it would be of benefit for  athletes who had injuries or concussions to get their head-neck-shoulder area checked from time to time. When there is nobody around who has this Spiritual Gift of Healing then Acupuncture/Acupressure, Reflexology, Reconnective Healing, also distant Reconnective Healing® and other modalities that balance the energy/Chi-flow are helpful.
