The Personal Reconnection®
The meridians on our body (used in Acupuncture/Acupressure), were originally much more powerful.They were connected to the grid lines that surround the planet and from there to the entire universe. Over time humanity became disconnected.
The Personal Reconnection® brings in “new” axiatonal lines. These lines draw in the basic energy for healing and the renewal functions of the human body.
The activation of these new lines allows the exchange of Light and Information, the reconnection of DNA strands and the reintegration of ’strings’ (connecting parallel planes of existence = dimensions). The Restructering of the DNA has been proven in several scientific studies.
A Reconnection Certified Practitioner (RCP) is entitled to perform The Personal Reconnection®. The practitioner informs after the sessions Dr. Eric Pearl’s office so that you are entitled to participate in The Reconnection-Certified Practitioner Program (RCPP) formerly known as Level III.
Reconnective Healing® sessions typically take 60 minutes.
Three sessions are normally suggested.
The Personal Reconnection® is always facilitated in two sessions, generally one hour in length. On two consecutive days. Not more than three nights between the two sessions.