Distant Energy Healing for Pets- Reconnective Healing® for Animals
Most animals come into my Holistic Healing Centre in Nanaimo, BC, for Reconnective Healing® sessions, but Animal Distance sessions are as effective. This can be of benefit. Animals sometimes fall asleep and have to be woken up, but when at home it can keep sleeping. This is very beneficial for the healing process..
All animals benefit: pets, wild animals, fish, snakes, sheep, birds, horses, hedge hogs, rabbits, zoo animals and others.
Reconnective Healing® sessions typically take 30-45 minutes. One to three sessions are normally suggested, but often an animal needs only one or two sessions.
Details about Distant Reconnective Healing you’ll find HERE
More about Reconnective Healing®
Reconnective Healing® in my office and Distant Reconnective Healing®
Session Fee $ 90