Parkinson’s – What Reduces Symptoms?

In addition to the last post I want to add the following:

Dr. Eric Pearl who received 1993 the Spiritual Gift of Healing …  which he called Reconnective Healing –  mentioned in one seminar that from four patients with Parkinson’s three where without any symptoms after they had received Reconnective Healing.sessions. I do no know how many and assume probably three sessions. When patients asked him how many sessions they need he mostly said three … but in his book is one person mentioned who got four.

We live now, 25 years later, in a very different world that is much more chaotic and stressful – therefore I believe that five Reconnective Healing sessions are better. There is so much anxiety and depression going on .. it is very sad.

These healings from Parkinson’s were permanent.
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Distant Reconnective Healing sessions are as effective. Therefore – never give up hope!

Anna Christing Doehring, RHFP, RCP
PS.: Oh, I just read on a website that eating nuts is helpful. I believe walnuts are the best, they are shaped like a brain

Dangers of Concussions – What to do

Recently I talked with a young soccer player who had already three concussions. I was very concerned. My advice was to stop with soccer because of the effects she might experience later in life … as impaired  cognitive and motor functions.

Neurodegenerative . defects after retiring have been also found in football players.

This does not mean other sports are safe. It only means that the research was done so far with football players. A concussion is a concussion – it does not matter how it happened.

Not to mention the danger of strokes. One of my instructors Dr. Mary Lynch said during one of her seminars: “in 40% of all strokes one cannot find a reason for it” … this means in my opinion that there was an area in the brain where the energy-flow was impaired and that caused the stroke. This impairment may happen because of injuries and/or stress.

With the “gift” I have to detect and release  these energy blockages with my fingertips I can find them – or better my fingertips will find the blocked area

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” …The first concussion puts her at risk for what is called “second impact syndrome,” in which the effects of the second brain injury are more magnified than they would have been had there been no first concussion. And a third Concussionsconcussion, should one occur with the cheerleading, would also have a great effect on the brain and increase her likelihood of having permanent problems….”

When you had a stroke or even several strokes I recommend to see a wholistic health practitioner who is able to remove the imbalances in the brain. Not everybody has the “gift” I have but there are valuable healing modalities as Acupuncture and Reflexology that restore the balance in the brain also.  There are more alternative healing modalities  but I do not know which ones  can really address this specific problem.

Anna Christine

PS.: Reconnective Healing is balancing all body systems

Reconnective Healing® Improves Brain Function

The rejuvenating frequencies of Reconnective Healing® and The Reconnection® upgrade our brain because they restructure the DNA  of  all body systems,   all tissues, muscles,  the skeletal system, and also the brain. The brain function improves

Reconnective Healing® and The Reconnection®  balance also our mental and emotional state,  Chakras, Aura, Meridians,  and Qi/Prana.

Some of the Benefits of an Upgraded Brain:
Increased calmness  – stress is lifting
— It is easier to be more in the NOW
— Helps to reduce Brain Fog
Improves focus and memory > more clarity
— It is easier to respond instead of reacting
— Our relationships are more loving and understanding
— Increased happiness
— We might get more insight about our purpose in life
— A clearer mind causes better decisions
— The brain seems to function better and better
— More vitality/energy
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It is in my opinion the easiest way to improve our life … especially because one needs most of the time a maximum of three sessions.

Further sessions are advised when something dramatic is happening in our life and we need help to regain balance, peace and joy.

Anna Christine

PS.: Reconnective Healing® is an interesting healing modality for MS and PTSD

What is a Portable Phone? – Difference to Landline Phones

I am writing this because I spoke recently with somebody who believed that a phone that he puts on a base-station that is connected with a landline is a landline phone ….IT IS NOT!

Every phone that you can carry around in the house and in the garden and you put back on the base to re-charge is a Portable Phone.

This Portable Phone is emitting more electro-magnetic radiation than a cell phone.

And … this is critical … when one speaks longer than 8 minutes on a cell phone or a Portable Phone the bloodbrain barrier is interrupted and all the toxins that are in the blood get into the brain … I begin to believe that this could this be the reason that more and more have Dementia and Alzheimer’s and perhaps even MS???
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A Landline Phone is a phone that is stationed on ONE place nd when it rings you have to go to it. It may have a long cord and you can wonder around in the kitchen, but you can’t take it with you.

Anna Christine

Reconnective Healing® – Benefits

One of the benefits of Reconnective Healing is that it upgrades our brain. It does this by increasing the frequencies  in the brain. Our life gets over time transformed.

How is this possile? Because Reconnective Healing is based on the transfer of the very high frequencies of Light  and Information  additional to the Energy frequencies we have used until now..

Quantumphysicists who researched Reconnective Healing®  were surprised to measure for the first time frequencies beyond the 4th dimension! More about science HERE

These high frequencies have a huge effect on our brainwave patterns. The brain becomes more balanced and …

  • Stress is released.

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  • We are at peace
  • We are more focussed and able to think sharper
  • We sleep better
  • Our energy level increases
  • We are emotional balanced
  • Our confidence improves 
  • We have a  more positive outlook on life
  • emotional baggage is disappearing

A few years ago after a car accident I had a  MRI.  The lab technitian was very surprised about tha balanced state of my brain. According to him most of the brains he checked were very scratchy, especially in my age group.

Additional to this healings occur also on a physical, spiritual, mental and emotional level.


Anna Christine
PS.: All of this can be done also by Distant Recconnective Healing