Acupressure/Acupuncture – What is a Meridian?

Meridians are energy channels through which the Chi flows within the body.  They exist in corresponding pairs on each side of the body. There is also a central channel at the midline of the body. On these meridians are the acupuncture points used in Acupuncture and Acupressure.

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When the energy flow in the meridian is impeded these points hurt when pressure is applied.  When the Chi-flow is impeded for a long time then health problems will occur.
On the website one gets an impression about the length of for example the gallbladder meridian.
This Meridian is affected by stress. What concerns me also is that any injury to the legs might impede the Chi-flow in this meridian which could affect the head..
Since the Gallbladder meridian goes along the neck it is also affected by car accidents that resulted in a whiplash and/or a concussion.
My advice to everybody who had an accident is to get Acupuncture or Acupressure sessions or other alternative health modalities… to re-balance the Chi flow to avoid later health problems …  like for example a stroke.. .Reconnective Healing® id also balancing Meridians.
On the page is a testimonial from a person with MS about hands-on Reconnective Healing. This person had many years ago a motorcycle accident that had damaged the knee and resulted later in MS.
We have to take accidents seriously … even when everything seems to be ok after a while.
Anna Christine

Possible causes of Vascular Dementia

Having the gift to detect with my fingertips energy blockages in the brain and other parts of the body … for example after an infection that happened during heart surgery … I wonder whether that could prevent in some cases Vascular Dementia.   because knowing about the blockage of the energy flow one can do something, like going to an Acupncturist or when afraid of needles to an Acupressurist.

One of my clients gave this session the name BRAIN REJUVENATION  because of the way he felt after. All stress had lifted!

An alternative healer using a VEGA-machine believed that energy blockages in the brain might cause later in life a stroke. Therefore she send clients to me to Nanaimo, Vancouver Island,  to relieve this blockage. The first man came to me during a health fair. Something heavy had fallen on the left side of his head when he was 12. He had a second session in my office and was surprised how different his head felt after.

I believe that stress and injuries may be the cause of these blockages. More about this in   workshops I’ll give at my home-office

According to the medical field the causes for Vascular Dementia are ” a narrowing or a complete blockage of blood vessels in the brain, which deprives brain cells from nutrients and oxygen they  need to function properly. Vascular dementia often results from several small strokes that occur over time.”
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IN my opinion the root-cause started much earlier than a stroke  – it  started when the stress, the injury, and/or the wrong nutrition happened.

Anna Christine

PS: These energy blockages are in my opinion also the cause of MS/Multiple Sclerosis.

Reconnective Healing® Improves Brain Function

The rejuvenating frequencies of Reconnective Healing® and The Reconnection® upgrade our brain because they restructure the DNA  of  all body systems,   all tissues, muscles,  the skeletal system, and also the brain. The brain function improves

Reconnective Healing® and The Reconnection®  balance also our mental and emotional state,  Chakras, Aura, Meridians,  and Qi/Prana.

Some of the Benefits of an Upgraded Brain:
Increased calmness  – stress is lifting
— It is easier to be more in the NOW
— Helps to reduce Brain Fog
Improves focus and memory > more clarity
— It is easier to respond instead of reacting
— Our relationships are more loving and understanding
— Increased happiness
— We might get more insight about our purpose in life
— A clearer mind causes better decisions
— The brain seems to function better and better
— More vitality/energy
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It is in my opinion the easiest way to improve our life … especially because one needs most of the time a maximum of three sessions.

Further sessions are advised when something dramatic is happening in our life and we need help to regain balance, peace and joy.

Anna Christine

PS.: Reconnective Healing® is an interesting healing modality for MS and PTSD

What is a Portable Phone? – Difference to Landline Phones

I am writing this because I spoke recently with somebody who believed that a phone that he puts on a base-station that is connected with a landline is a landline phone ….IT IS NOT!

Every phone that you can carry around in the house and in the garden and you put back on the base to re-charge is a Portable Phone.

This Portable Phone is emitting more electro-magnetic radiation than a cell phone.

And … this is critical … when one speaks longer than 8 minutes on a cell phone or a Portable Phone the bloodbrain barrier is interrupted and all the toxins that are in the blood get into the brain … I begin to believe that this could this be the reason that more and more have Dementia and Alzheimer’s and perhaps even MS???
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A Landline Phone is a phone that is stationed on ONE place nd when it rings you have to go to it. It may have a long cord and you can wonder around in the kitchen, but you can’t take it with you.

Anna Christine

Multiple Sclerosis – Holistic Approach

Preparing for a talk about the dangers of GMO on CHLY Radio 101.7, Nanaimo, I found on Dr. Mercola’s website how the wife of Mitt Romney, Ann, turned 1098 the progression of her MS around.

She credits the turn around in her health to eating only organic food, Reflexology sessions, and Acupuncture sessions. In Acupressure the same meridians are used.

This is a perfect combination. Since quite a while I believe that MS may be caused by a variety of things.

  • Toxins in our food, personal care products, and our environment.
  • Accidents that have an effect on the meridians that affect the brain.
  • Stress which also affects one of the meridians that transverses several times the scalp/brain.
  • Talking forever on portable or cell phones, beause after 8 min the blood brain barrier opens and all the toxins in the blood can get in.

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Regarding naming  diseases. One takes similar health problems and gives them a/one name.

  • Ann Romney reduced the intake of toxins that are in the food.
  • The Acupuncturist balanced all her meridians and the Chi-flow and reduced by this also stress. 
  • The Reflexologist applied specific pressure techniques on the feet and perhaps the ears and activated/balanced the nervous system, cell-to-cell comunication, the lymph flow, the Chi-flow, and the blood flow. Reflexology is an amazing holistic modality for healing.

This approach enables the body to heal itself.

Anna Christine