Brain Rejuvenation

“Call it BRAIN REJUVENATION” said my client  when I asked him how to call this special ‘Gift’ I have to detect and release energy-blockages in the head and anywhere in the body.

This Spiritual ‘Gift’ of me seems to be  hands on Reconnective Healing®. I wanted to know whether this is right.

Therefore I tested it at several clients. When my fingertips started to move quickly on their scalp I stopped and gave a hands off Reconnective Healing® session. After I had finished I tested the clients scalp again with my fingertips. The result was that my fingertips did not move anymore. The Chi-flow got obviously re-balanced.-

Reconnective Healing® restores balance on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. This is recognized and supported by science. It upgrades our brain. Better memory, brain fog gone.

Four years after a car accident I had a MRI. The technician was very surprised about the balanced state of my brain and asked me twice “how old are you?” … He  said most brains look very scratchy.
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Anna Christine

PS.: A huge benefit of Reconnective Healing is that it can be done as distant healing